Wednesday night I attended a pot luck, everyone brings a dish to pass.
I made Cream Puffs. Well to be correct, they're called Protiferoles.
I purchased a new Williams-Sonoma Masters Recipes of frozen desserts last weekend.
Couldn't wait to make some goodies, so I decided this tasty treat would be the easiest transportable frozen dessert, and I was right.
Everything worked out well!
The recipe, which I will post when I get the recipe book back from the pot luck house, calls for vanilla ice cream. Kroger was having a sale and had pints 10 for 10, so I bought six flavors.
Vanilla Mint Chocolate Chip Strawberry Chocolate Chip
Chocolate Moose Tracks Fried Ice Cream
This allowed guests to choose which flavor was best for them!
Then I made a chocolate sauce...amazing...also found in the William-Sonoma recipe book.
Then sprinkled a little powdered sugar on top and it was ready to serve.
Today I visited Matt and Sprout on WXOU and took with me Cream Puffs.
Very Yummmy...Pictures of that event soon to come!